Moderate, intense physical activity: what does that mean?

Moderate intense physical activity what does that mean

While regular physical activity is recommended to keep health problems at bay, experts distinguish between moderate-intensity and high-intensity sports. Definition, difference, frequency: the point.

What is moderate physical activity?

Experts speak of moderate-intensity physical activity when:

  • Breathing is slightly accelerated.
  • Shortness of breath is weak.
  • Conversation is possible.
  • Heartbeats are slightly accelerated.

Moderate activity is 50% to 70% of your maximum pace. In theory, to calculate your max heart rate, you just need to subtract your age from 220“, says Floriane Limonnier, fitness and Pilates sports coach.

What are examples of moderate-intensity physical activities?

Moderate-intensity physical activities include

  • the walk briskly (between 5 and 6.5 km/h),
  • slowly climb the stairs,
  • dance,
  • a bike ride,
  • gardening,
  • household and domestic work (wash windows, vacuum, etc.),
  • the hunt
  • traditional picking,
  • play and do sports with their children
  • take your pet out,
  • tinker…

What is intense physical activity?

Experts speak of vigorous-intensity physical activity when:

  • Breathing is accelerated.
  • Shortness of breath is high.
  • Conservation is difficult, sentences are short.
  • Heartbeats are high.

Vigorous activity is 80% to 95% of your maximum pace“, specifies Floriane Limonnier.

What are examples of high-intensity physical activities?

Some intense physical exercises include:

  • fast running,
  • walking at a brisk pace (more than 6.5 km/h),
  • climb a hill at high speed,
  • to climb the stairs at high speed,
  • fast cycling (more than 20 km/h),
  • aerobics,
  • fast swimming,
  • the practice of sports and competitive games such as football, volleyball, rugby, hockey, basketball…

What are the recommendations in terms of physical activity per week?

The World Health Organization recommends practicing 150 min per week (i.e. 30 min per day) of moderate physical activity or 75 min of intense physical activity weekly. “Ideally, I recommend moving a little each day, varying moderate, light and intense activities in order to gain flexibility, strength and endurance.“, advises Floriane Limonnier.

What precautions should you take when exercising?

The notions of effort and intensity vary according to each person: the advice given to one person is not necessarily valid for another. “intervene the state of health, physical fitness, psychological state and sports habitsremarks the sports coach. In case of health problems (cardiovascular disorders, diabetes…), before putting on your sneakers, ask your doctor for advice : if necessary, this one will make you pass a stress test. Finally, during practice, Always listen to your body and in case of pain or discomfort, stop everything!”

Thank you Floriane Limonnier, fitness and Pilates sports coach, and author of “Mon Cahier Objectif Body Challenge”, Eds. Solar.
