The Day Before disappointed its players after a below-expected release and controversy. The developer of the game, Fntastic, could not overcome the problems and decided to close down. However, despite this negative outlook, modders Luci0 and fskartd are making an initiative that gives hope to players.
An offline mode is being developed for The Day Before
Two modders decided to develop an Offline Mod for The Day Before. After the developer of the game decided to close down, Luci0 and fskartd embarked on this project to give the game a long-lasting breath. However, since the project is still in its early stages, the completion process and details remain unclear.
In his statement on social media, Luci0 stated that they are trying to do their best regarding the development of the project and will share more information when it becomes available. Players are waiting for developments, thinking that these efforts may be a ray of hope for the future of the game.