Mobiluncus: transmission, which STDs?

Mobiluncus transmission which STDs

Bacterium present in the vaginal flora, the mobiluncus can be part of the bacteria responsible for bacterial vaginosis but has no link with a potential STD. If it is impossible to treat the mobiluncus directly, the infection must be treated and the Doderlein flora restored.

Definition: what is Mobiluncus?

The term mobiluncus designates a anaerobic bacterium that grows in the absence of oxygen. This is mainly found in the vaginal flora and is one of the bacteria present in bacterial vaginosis. The mobiluncus only very rarely appears in the reports of analyses. “During vaginosis, the symptoms are caused by a set of bacteria, Gardnerella vaginalis being the best known. On direct examination of the vaginal sample, the biologist examines what the flora is made of and lists the abnormal bacteria: the mobiluncus can then be cited“, explains Dr. Julia Maruani, gynecologist. Specialists thus have little information on this bacterium because it “is slow growing and biologists find it difficult to grow it in culture. To isolate it, it is necessary to do so in specific culture media”.

We have no idea of ​​its mode of transmission. because it is a colonizing and non-pathogenic bacterium“This means that many people already carry this bacteria within their vaginal flora.”The mobiluncus is therefore present in the genital tract but can also, in a small part of the population, be found in the rectum.“So the mobiluncus is not a bacteria that is transmitted during sexual intercourse. “Women who do not have sex also have bacterial vaginosis“, assures Julia Maruani.

What STDs can it cause?

There is no link between MST and mobiluncus. According to the gynecologist, mobiluncus is in no way an agent of STDs.

What are the symptoms of a Mobiluncus infection?

Bacterial vaginosis causes the following symptoms:

  • Abundant and liquid leucorrhoea;
  • Odor losses;
  • Irritation, mild itching;
  • Vaginal discomfort.

What is the treatment to get rid of it?

“There is no specific treatment to treat mobiluncus. Treatment consists of management of vaginosis and restoration of Doderlein florathat is to say the good bacteria present in the vagina.“For this, the gynecologist prescribes antibiotics to treat vaginosis as well as gynecological probiotics (oral or vaginal) for three months.

To prevent bacterial vaginosis, it is possible to limit the risk factors: tobacco, douching or even treating the vaginal flora when taking antibiotics. It is also advisable to protect yourself when having sex with different partners because contact with several flora can cause infections.

Thanks to Dr. Julia Maruani, gynecologist.
