mobilization on several fronts before the verdict of the Sages on January 25

mobilization on several fronts before the verdict of the Sages

The Constitutional Council will give its opinion on the immigration law on January 25, a little over three weeks after its adoption by Parliament. Its president Laurent Fabius announced it today on the occasion of the presentation of his wishes to President Macron. As soon as the text was adopted, the executive recognized that certain provisions could be contrary to the Constitution. While waiting for the promulgation of this law, which toughens the reception and residence conditions of foreigners, the mobilization of opponents does not weaken.

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The mobilization against the law is taking place on several fronts at the same time. Legal first. Around fifty academics and professionals in the field worked on this text and sent their contributions to the Constitutional Council. A procedure that allows civil society to provide insight. By theme, these professionals highlight the inconsistencies in this law.

It is an illegible text which sometimes contradicts itself from one provision to another and which will pose enormous application problems. In fact, it is a factory for the production of undocumented immigrants, a factory also for the development of litigation for foreigners. », assures Serge Slama, professor of public law at the University of Grenoble, who explains his approach: “ These contributions are not at all an activist approach, I really did it as a law professor with other colleagues. The approach is to say that we are faced with a text which profoundly violates republican principles and it is our role as academics to examine the possible consequences of this text. »

On a more political front now: 201 personalities launched, this Sunday, a call to demonstrate on January 21 to denounce, a “ dangerous turning point of our Republic “. Among the signatories; artists, association leaders and even elected officials.

Before that, unions, left-wing parties and NGOs hope to mobilize in the streets this time, this Sunday, to try to prevent the promulgation of the law.

Read alsoFrance: what is contained in the draft immigration law adopted in Parliament
