Mobility and ecological transition, the central role of RFI (FS Group)

RFI Fiorani Tenders launched for 19 billion euros in 2021

(Finance) – “We want to facilitate and accelerate the transition from individual mobility to an increasingly collective and railway one”. He said it the CEO of Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (FS Italiane Group) Vera Fiorani, in the context of the Conference “Taking up the thread of growth”, organized at the LUISS University of Rome by Assonime, in honor of the economist Stefano Micossi, underlining the increasingly central role of the company FS Group in the plans of sustainable development of the country. He gives the news FS, Group information portal.

RFI and FS Group protagonists of the ecological transition – “Rail transport is by its very nature sustainable, thanks to its very low polluting emissions – underlined Fiorani – and this is why the PNRR focuses a lot on it, which sees RFI as the main contracting station. This path towards the modal shift in favor of railway mobility is supported by an impressive investment plan that we are carrying out throughout Italy. The energy crisis and the increase in the costs of materials have certainly complicated the process, but with the Government we have worked to overcome the obstacles. Furthermore, the FS Group has launched a plan to self-produce an important portion of energy by enhancing the spaces that are no longer functional for railway operations ”.

According to Vera Fiorani, the data coming from passenger transport is also comforting. “Faced with a probably irreversible 10-15% reduction in business-related transport, we had an exceptional increase in passengers in the summer, testifying to the growth in demand for leisure mobility “.

The same trend is also increasing for theThe transport of goods by rail, towards which the 10-year Industrial Plan of the FS Group aims to double compared to 2019. “Rail freight transport has grown this year with values ​​comparable to 2006-07 – Fiorani announced – We are working to ensure that the adaptation of infrastructure accelerates these trends, as evidenced by the strengthening of the works not only of the railway, but also of the ports and interports “.
