MMORPG players don’t like gender lock, but what about class restrictions?

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Gameplay restrictions like gender lock are quite unpopular with Western MMORPG fans. But what about race-specific restrictions on class choices? Tell us in this survey.

For many MMORPG players in the West, gender lock is a feature viewed with indifference at best and total dislike at worst. It is common in Asian MMORPGs and restricts gender class selection. In Lost Ark, only women can take on the magician role.

However, the gender lock is not the only restriction that applies to class selection. In MMORPGs like Blade & Soul and especially World of Warcraft, not all races can learn the same classes.

  • In B&S, for example, the only race that can become Astromancers is the Lyn.
  • In WoW, only the new Dracthyr race can use the new Caller class.
  • Most of the time, these limitations have reasons rooted in the lore and story of the games. But although they are similar to gender lock in terms of gameplay, they don’t seem to be that disliked, do they?

    What’s your take on race-specific restrictions on class selection?

    How to vote: Let us know what you think about class restrictions in the poll tool below. Remember that each of you can only vote once and the choice cannot be undone.

    So tell me: Do you think the restrictions on class selection by the playable races are okay or completely outdated? Is it better or worse than, for example, the gender lock that annoys so many? Do you know any MMOs where racial restrictions are implemented well?

    Write us your answers in the comments and have fun voting!
