The new MMORPG Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen is overjoyed with a new decision: In February 2024 it was announced that it would switch to a season model in order to continuously deliver more updates. People are now excited about the success of Season 1.
This is how the team celebrates: The MMORPG Pantheon team celebrates in a news letter from March (via pantheon):
Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen shows the art update in the trailer
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New 6-week season starts soon
This is how it continues: Season 2 starts on March 30th. The heart of the new content update is the dungeon “Mad Run” for players in the level range 17 to 24.
The dungeon also has a level 45 world boss. The dungeon is hand-designed to be particularly challenging
The team is also working on the “Perception System”, which will give players insights into the world and they want to improve combat.
That’s what lies behind it: We reported in February about Pantheon’s idea to now sell several fairly expensive packages to offer access to the 6-week seasons.
This was largely negatively discussed at the time because you had to pay $750 to play the entire 6 weeks.
But there was also the offer to pay $50 and be allowed to test for one of the six weeks. Some people probably took advantage of that.
In any case, the development now seems to give new impetus to the MMORPG that was almost thought dead, even if access to a game at such an early stage is probably expensive.
However, there are still negative voices on the MMORPG sites. Because some calculate Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen how many seaons, i.e. seasons, have passed in the real world since the MMORPG was announced. Because that happened on January 13, 2014 – for critics, far too little has happened in the development of the PvE MMPRPG since then.
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