In the MMORPG New World (Steam), Amazon intentionally tweaks the loot and drop chances so that players are more likely to get what they are missing in terms of equipment. This system is called “loot biasing” and is now presented in a blog post.
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What is Amazon doing with loot? In a blog post, two designers introduce “loot biasing”: The system ensures that you receive items according to your current equipment. Pay attention to:
The goal of the system is to help players reduce bad feelings when looting. If you only use one ice glove, you shouldn’t constantly find axes. It doesn’t feel good if you’re a melee fighter and then find items for magicians or vice versa:
“We found our item system was great at giving people a lot of stuff, but not so good at giving out the items that players really wanted.”
This is how it works in practice: In practice, the system removes certain items from the loot table if they do not match what a player is wearing.
If a player is carrying a Large Ax and Warhammer, the loot list will be weighted in that direction, so more Large Axes and Warhammers will drop.
What is the problem? Farming “Named Items” caused difficulties because there were only a few of them.
Due to the weighting of the loot, items that players wanted to farm would have disappeared from the list: They wanted to avoid that and therefore completely excluded named items and artifacts from the system.
People also thought about things:
Despite all the difficulties, it is believed that “loot biasing” has had a positive effect so far.
In the future, we would like players to be able to specify exactly which items they are looking for – regardless of which items they currently have equipped. But there are no exact plans to share here yet.
More about New World: The MMORPG New World still has almost 20,000 players on Steam: Announces big things for 2024