The streamer BTCs was long considered the richest player in the MMORPG classic old school Runescape. Now he has been banned by developer Jagex. But according to his own statement, he didn’t do anything wrong.
What is Old School Runescape?
You can see more about Old School Runescape in our video:
Old School RuneScape shows the “Group Ironman” mode in the trailer
How did the ban come about? With more than a trillion gold, BTCs owned an impressive amount of in-game assets. If you were to sell these on the black market, you would get a hefty sum of over €150,000.
The problem: so-called real-world trading is fundamentally prohibited at Rundescape. This means that neither items nor gold can be sold for real money.
“Why should I sell it now?”
BTCs defends itself in a video. When he passed the trillion mark in September, he was “heavily monitored” by moderators. He never became conspicuous.
“Obviously I never sold anything on my way to making a trillion,” he explains. The alleged incidents of real-world trading are said to have only taken place in the recent past.
“That implies I started selling tiny bits, after the trillion… Obviously I wasn’t banned the whole way up to that, which means I didn’t sell anything. But now I start, after a trillion?”
The ban is declared on BTCs with a gold giveaway. He organizes these regularly, but with the utmost caution in order to avoid problems with real word trading.
In addition to BTCs’ account itself, at least three other players were banned due to this incident.
You can see BTC’s explanation for yourself here:
But no winners? Recently, BTCs was accused by some OSRS players of predetermining the winners of its giveaways. These supposed “winners” would actually secretly pay for the gold they received.
According to further allegations from the community, BTCs also sold ranks for his clan on Discord. Another ban at the beginning of the year was also noticeable. However, this was repealed. However, he doesn’t seem to have so much luck with his renewed ban.
Developer says: Ban will not be lifted
This is what the developer says: According to Lead Community Mangager Ayiza, the case has been “thoroughly reviewed by our anti-cheating team and the ban will not be lifted.” There are very clear incidents of real-world trading.
“It wasn’t a spontaneous decision,” she explains. She is confident that the right decision was made based on the evidence available.
What do you think? Do you think the ban on BTCs is justified? Or should RWT be allowed in principle? Please let us know in the comments.
Streamer Darth Microtransaction also lost his multi-billion gold OSRS account. In his case, however, the story had a happy ending. You can read how this came about here:
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