Mistakes attract the rats into your home: “Chewing through”

Mistakes attract the rats into your home Chewing through

The number of rats caught by Anticimex increased by four percent between 2022 and 2023. Last year, the final figure for the number of rats caught was 1,020,409.

– The main reason is that the cities are growing and densifying. In an urban environment there are many places where the rat can hide and plenty of food among the rubbish we humans leave behind, says Anticimex– the biologist Thomas Persson Winner stone in a press release.

Anticimex caught 1,020,409 rats in 2023

Rats can gnaw through plastic floor drains

With more rats in circulation, the risk of the animals getting into homes also increases. You can also, accidentally, attract them into your home. One such mistake is leaving food, food waste or compost in front of or in close proximity to the home.

Broken sewer lines, which give the rats an easy way into the home, are also something to watch out for.

– If there is a plastic floor drain, they can gnaw through it and get into the home, says Thomas Persson Vinnersten to News24.

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Rats thrive in dark places

Other mistakes you should avoid, if you don’t want rats to thrive in your home, are for example having a lot of rubbish in spaces such as storage rooms and garages and not checking that pipes and cables are tight. You should also make sure that attics and basements are cleaned, as these are spaces in a home where rats can potentially live and thrive.

– Rats are relatively shy, so they prefer dark places, says Thomas Persson Vinnersten.

If you discover rats in your home, call a pest control company.

– Rats usually require professional help, notes Persson Vinnersten.

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