Missing girl recovered after over 40 years

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A couple and their little daughter disappeared in the United States in 1980, they had just moved from the state of Florida to Texas.

The following year, the remains of a man and a woman were found in Houston, Texas. A forensic pathologist concluded that they had been killed. However, they were not identified.

Not until last autumn, when investigators tested DNA samples from the remains against those from the missing family. The woman and the man could then be identified as the missing parent couple. However, they did not get a date for the daughter and what happened to her, or if she was even alive, remained a mystery. But then, earlier this week, she too was found using new technology.

The woman, now 42 years old, is said to have known nothing about her biological family but must have been aware that she was adopted. The adoptive family is not suspected of involvement in either the girl’s disappearance or the death of her parents.

Just hours after the discovery, the woman, who is said to be married and have both children and grandchildren, got in touch with several of her biological relatives.

However, the parents’ murder case is still unsolved, but relatives are close to the disappearance having received a call from a woman who claimed that they had joined a religious group and wanted to break ties with the family. The woman is said to have asked if the relatives wanted the couple’s car back.

The relatives then contacted the police, who in connection with the car handover arrested three women and a man, but nothing more happened after that.
