Missed that the father is suspected of child pornography

The father has been under investigation for child pornography offenses for almost four years. 180,000 images and videos have been seized, reports DN during Tuesday.

The case is now classified as a serious crime. The prosecutor in the case reacts strongly to the parents getting the children back.

– I will, of course, make my own report of concern to the social services, where I will carefully explain the findings we have made and the concern I feel for the children, says prosecutor Jonas Fjellström.

Major shortcomings of social services

The children were taken into care in autumn 2020 and were away from their parents for almost three years. But this summer, an external review was able to establish serious errors and violations of the law in the social service’s handling of the case, as Kalla fakta previously reported.

The shortcomings were so great that the social committee in the municipality decided that the children should be allowed to return to their mother and father. But when that decision was made, those responsible in the social committee had missed that the father is under criminal investigation.

– I have received information from the social welfare office that all police investigations have been closed in this case, says Peter Lundberg (KD), chairman of the Älvsbyn social committee:

Shouldn’t you have investigated the parents again before returning the children?

– With hindsight, this information should definitely have been included as a basis for decisions. That it was not included is very serious, says Peter Lundberg.

In the spring of 2020, the municipality received a report of concern from the police informing them of the criminal suspicions. The information about the investigation has not been followed up by the municipality since then.

– They have not been informed that the investigation has been closed or similar. I can only state that they have not contacted the police or me before the decision to cancel custody. Or they have done it and ignored it, I don’t know, says prosecutor Jonas Fjellström.

The father denies any wrongdoing

Cold facts have been in contact with the suspect’s father, who denies wrongdoing.

– I haven’t heard anything from the police or prosecutor for several years, he says.

Now the inspectorate for care and social care will investigate the municipality’s management, reports DN.
