Miss Normandy: Perrine Prunier wants to become police commissioner

Miss Normandy Perrine Prunier wants to become police commissioner

MISS NORMANDY. This year, the Normandy region trusts Perrine Prunier to bring her back the title of Miss France 2023. Crowned Miss Normandy 2022, this young woman wants to become a police commissioner.

[Mis à jour le 17 décembre 2022 à 20h10] It was on October 21 that the replacement for Youssra Askry was selected during an election Miss Normandy 2022 held in Le Havre. And the stakes are high because you have to do as well or even better than the previous Norman candidate in the Miss France competition (Askry finished 4th runner-up last year). It is the young Perrine Prunier, aged 23, who was elected Miss Normandy. Now crowned and decked out in the scarf of Miss Normandy 2022, she will try to succeed Diane Leyre.

Perrine Prunier competed for the title of Miss Normandy for the second consecutive year. After being elected third runner-up last year, this second participation will have been the right one. Aged 23, this young woman is from Villedieu-les-Pôeles (Manche) and currently lives in Caen, in Calvados. The new Norman ambassador is a master’s student in law, and hopes to become a police commissioner in a few years. She obviously gives herself the means of her ambitions since she obtained the best score in the Miss France general culture test.

To enter the competition, Perrine Prunier did not hesitate to prepare herself physically and mentally: she did more sport (she practices horse riding at high doses) and trained in public speaking. Enough to make her voice heard on the subject that she particularly wishes to defend as Miss and in her future profession: the fight against domestic violence. The beauty queen wants to join the Family Protection Brigade to help the victims. Will she be able to bring her region to the top step of the competition podium?

Find out more about Miss Normandy

Miss Normandy is a beauty contest which aims to elect a candidate for the Miss France contest each year. Several young women apply in the hope of becoming the ambassador of the Channel, Seine-Maritime, Orne and Eure. Since the creation of the national competition, 6 Miss Normandy have been elected Miss France: Monique Negler in 1958, Jeanne Beck in 1967, Isabelle Benard in 1981, Martine Robine in 1984, Cindy Fabre in 2005 and Malika Ménard in 2010 and Amandine Petit in 2020 .

The last Miss Normandy

  • Youssa Askry : Youssa Askry was elected Miss Normandy 2021. Aged 24, she had the particularity of not being from Normandy, having grown up in the Yvelines. She placed fifth in Miss France 2022
  • Amanda Petit: In 2020, Miss Normandy was elected Miss France 2021. Amandine Petit brought victory to her region by winning the beauty contest. Aged 23 at the time of her coronation, she is from the town of Bourguébus. Student in master 2, the young woman wanted, before being elected, to lead a health establishment for the elderly.
  • Marine Clatour: Marine Clautour was elected Miss Normandy 2019. She was 21 years old at the time of her coronation. A student in a master’s degree in insurance and wealth management, she rose to the top 15 at Miss France 2020, ranking 5th runner-up.
