Miss Lorraine 2022: Sarah Aoutar, from Miss Prestige to Miss France

Miss Lorraine 2022 Sarah Aoutar from Miss Prestige to Miss

MISS LORRAINE. The people of Lorraine voted for their representative in the Miss France 2023 competition. Discover our portrait of Sarah Aoutar, Miss Lorraine 2022.

[Mis à jour le 12 décembre 2022 à 14h] Will she do as well if not better than Marine Sauvage last year? We wish him! On October 8, 2022, the election of Miss Lorraine 2022 in anticipation of the Miss France 2023 national competition. Sarah Aoutar, 26, won the favor of the jury and the public, adorning herself with the scarf and the crown of Miss Lorraine 2022 the same evening. She now represents the hopes from the region to the Miss France competition, quite a challenge for those who already had experience of the Miss Prestige competition, organized by Geneviève de Fontenay.

Originally from Thionville in Moselle, Sarah Aoutar is 26 years old, which makes her one of the oldest in the competition. Experienced in beauty contests, Miss Lorraine had become in 2016, at the age of 19, Miss Prestige Lorraine before being elected first runner-up of Miss Prestige National. A year later, she signed with a modeling agency in Paris. Today, she has left the world of fashion but remains attached to it, following assiduously the news of the parades. And thanks to these various experiences, the young woman now has the perspective necessary to feel ready for a role of Miss France.

If a victory in the Miss France contest could change her life, Sarah Aoutar did not wait to be crowned Miss Lorraine to move forward. The young woman has worked for two years in the management of investment funds as a compliance officer for a large banking group in Luxembourg, after obtaining a Master 2 in Finance. His professional dream? Create and become responsible for its own legal structure. Proud of her career, this youngest of a family of four children wants, if she is elected, to promote education and help young people on their journey.

All information about Miss Lorraine

Miss Lorraine is a beauty contest which designates a candidate for the Miss France election each year. Several young women are presenting themselves to become the ambassador of the Vosges, Moselle, Meurthe-et-Moselle and Meuse. Since the creation of the beauty contest, three Miss Lorraine have been crowned Miss France: Isabelle Krumacker in 1973, Sophie Perin in 1975 and Sophie Thalmann in 1998.

The last Miss Lorraine

  • Marine Sauvage: In 2021, Marine Sauvage represented Lorraine in the Miss France contest. Then aged 23 and in the fifth year of pharmacy studies, Marine Sauvage managed to rank in the Top 15 of the national election that year.
  • Diane Febvay: In 2020, Lorraine was represented in the Miss France election by Diane Febvay. The 19-year-old young woman at the time of her coronation was from the village of Piblange in Moselle. Just before her election, Diane Febvay experienced a real tragedy as she lost her mother the day before the Miss Lorraine pageant after a long battle with illness. During the Miss France 2021 election, Miss Lorraine 2020 did not qualify in the top 15 candidates.
  • Ilona Robelin: Miss Lorraine 2019, Ilona Robelin, 18, was the youngest candidate for Miss France 2020. She was following a BTS specializing in real estate professions. The young woman from Montenoy, in Meurthe-et-Moselle, had also revealed that she had suffered from school harassment for many years, defending this cause during the national election. however, revealed that her last years were very difficult for the woman who was voted the most beautiful woman in Lorraine this year: she admitted to having been the victim of school harassment. Miss Lorraine 2019 did not make it to Miss France 2020, but won the Elegance Prize.
  • Emma Virtz: Emma Virtz had been elected Miss Lorraine 2018. However, this was not her first try. In the magazine Paris Match, the one who was engaged in the Air Force returned to her failure in 2017: “After being elected Miss Meurthe et Moselle, I wanted to try my luck in the regional competition in 2017. C It was then that I came 2nd runner-up alongside Cloé Cirelli, Miss Lorraine 2017. Thanks to the support of my friends, my family and my determination, I competed again this year and won the crown.” She ranked tenth in the Miss France 2019 election.
