Miss France 2025: a date and an emblematic place revealed for the next election

Miss France 2025 a date and an emblematic place revealed

The Miss France 2025 election will be hosted in a well-known place. The date has been set, as every year, in December…

The great French beauty pageant is preparing to invest in an emblematic place again. The Futuroscope park, located near Poitiers in Vienne, is preparing to host the Miss France competition in December. The announcement was made by the Miss France committee this week.

The Miss France 2025 election will be held more precisely within the Futuroscope Arena, a recent facility, inaugurated in 2022, with a capacity of around 6,000 seats. The choice of the amusement park is not insignificant, Miss France wanting to be stronger than a simple television event. Its organizers boast a live show that embodies the beauty of the country, its regions and their cultural heritage. All this with each year a demand for modernity that always presses the competition a little more.

But the renewal is, from this point of view, limited. The choice of Futuroscope to host the election of Miss France 2025 is not a first. It is in fact the third time that the Vienne amusement park has been chosen as the setting for the prestigious competition. Futuroscope had already hosted the election in 1997, the year Patricia Spehar was crowned, then in 2006, when Rachel Legrain-Trapani won the title.

Frédéric Gilbert, president of the Miss France Society and producer of the election, nevertheless expressed his enthusiasm about this choice: “It’s a great story with Futuroscope that continues after the elections of 1997 and 2006.” He also highlighted the appeal of the Arena Futuroscope, “a new venue, inaugurated two years ago,” which will bring a touch of novelty to the event. The park, known for its innovative attractions and cutting-edge shows, could also bring a futuristic touch to the ceremony, with new staging.

The date of the Miss France 2025 election was also revealed by the Miss France Society. It will take place on December 14, 2024. A date that does not change the habits of the competition, which has elected its representative for one year in mid-December of the previous year for decades.

The regional elections of the Miss who will compete in the election of Miss France 2025 are still ongoing. Here are the candidates of the last edition of the Miss France competition.

Eve Gilles won the Miss France 2024 crown on Saturday, December 16. The 20-year-old represented Nord-Pas-de-Calais in the beauty pageant. Enrolled in the second year of a degree in mathematics and computer science applied to human and social sciences, her professional plans were put aside for the duration of her year of reign. She hopes to one day become a statistician.

  • Miss France 2024: Miss Nord-Pas-de-Calais – Eve Gilles
  • 1st runner-up: Miss Guyana
  • 2nd runner-up: Miss Provence
  • 3rd runner-up: Miss Guadeloupe
  • 4th runner-up: Miss Languedoc
  • Top 15: Miss Normandy, Miss Tahiti, Miss Midi-Pyrénées, Miss Centre-Val de Loire, Miss Île-de-France, Miss Burgundy, Miss Pays de la Loire, Miss Corsica, Miss Côte d’Azur and Miss Roussillon. The other candidates are eliminated.
