Miss Brittany: the portrait of Enora Moal

Miss Brittany the portrait of Enora Moal

MISS BRITTANY 2022. Enora Moal is trying to win the Miss France 2023 crown this Saturday, December 17, wearing the Brittany scarf. Who is she ?

[Mis à jour le 17 décembre 2022 à 20h27] Enora Moal parades proudly among the 29 other candidates of Miss France 2023. The representative of the Brittany is one of the participants in the beauty contest who dreams of succeeding Diane Leyre this Saturday, December 17 in Châteauroux. The one who had already applied last year for the Miss Brittany contest can thus realize the “dream” of her sister who entered her in the contest. “She is always with me a little, she confided to Ouest-France. She even watches the previous parades to advise me on my hairstyle, my makeup…”

Surprised but happy to put on the scarf, Enora Moal said she wanted to take full advantage of the adventure, perhaps a chance to take revenge on the past… The 20-year-old Breton girl has indeed declared that she had already been the victim of ridicule because of his hair, which was considered too voluminous by his classmates: “In college, some even called me chewbacca“, she remembers. But during the election of Miss Brittany, she decided to parade with her hair loose, naturally curly, making her complex a strength: “I would like to say to those who have complexes that it can become real assets and be a real identity,” she told Ouest France.

Originally from Guiapavas, near Brest, Enora Moal is a third-year medical imaging student and works as a hostess at the Brestois stadium to pay for her studies. Although she is passionate about fashion and couture, it must be said that nothing predestined the young Breton to parade on a catwalk because, as she explained to Ouest France, it is thanks to her sister that she was able to wear Miss Brittany’s scarf: “It was my sister who encouraged me to register last year. I think it’s a bit of her dream, but she doesn’t do 1.70 “M asked. Until then, I was content to watch the election of Miss France on television”.

Learn more

Miss Brittany is a beauty contest which aims to elect a candidate for the Miss France contest each year. Several young women apply in the hope of becoming the ambassador of Côtes-d’Armor, Morbihan, Finistère, Ille-et-Vilaine and Loire Atlantique. Since the creation of the national competition, 5 Miss Brittany have been elected Miss France: Raymonde Allain in 1928, Jacqueline Janet in 1937, Brigitte Barazer in 1960, Monique Lemaire in 1962 and Laury Thilleman in 2011.

The list of the last Miss Brittany

  • Sarah Conan : in 2021, Sarah Conan is elected Miss Brittany and wears the scarf of her region for the Miss France 2022 election. become a marketing director one day. She was born and grew up in Paimpol.
  • Julie Foricher: at the end of 2020, it was Julie Foricher who represented Brittany in the Miss France 2021 election. Then aged 23, the candidate from Relecq-Kerhuon studied in the sport-study section in handball then passed a Staps license before leaving for Australia to improve his English. At the time of the election, she is in the third year of a bachelor’s degree in tourism where she intends to become an air hostess. Unfortunately, the young woman does not manage to rank in the top 15 during the election and is eliminated at the start of the competition.
  • Romane Edern: in 2019, Romane Edern, 24, represented Brittany in the Miss France 2020 election. Originally from Cleder, in Finistère, she also lived in Mayotte and Senegal. Before embarking on beauty contests, the young woman was studying neuropsychology and cognitive neuroimaging at the University of Bordeaux. She did not rank in the Miss France 2020 contest.
