They are increasingly present in the media. The various facts constitute the great theme of the Assizes of Journalism-an annual meeting of information professionals in France-which take place all week in Tours. Why this omnipresence of various facts? What is that said of our society?
To debate it ::
► Bérénice Mariaulecture of conferences in information and communication sciences at the Catholic Institute of Paris. His research work focuses on treatment media Miscellaneous facts. Book author Mechanics due to the news : singular stories, collective emotionsMKF editions
► Jacques Expertjournalist, writer, author of numerous books on thrillers and diverse. Former big reporter to France inter -covering in particular the Grégory affair
► Margot hoche, study manager at The Viavoice Instituteshe works on the barometer of the usefulness of journalism, this year on the front page: the news.