Miraculous solution from Ibn Sina: It dissolves kidney stone

Miraculous solution from Ibn Sina It dissolves kidney stone

Avicenna, who wrote nearly 200 books in the field of medicine and philosophy during his lifetime, is considered one of the pioneers of medieval science worldwide. In his book “El-Kanun fi’t-Tıb”, which has been seen as the main source for centuries in medical science, there are treatment methods for facial discomfort.

Spices that dissolve kidney stones

Ibn-i Sina made recommendations for kidney stones as well as for many diseases. Cumin, which Ibn-i Sina says dissolves kidney stones, is one of the spices found in almost every home. Cumin, pointed out by Ibn-i Sina, is good not only for kidney stones but also for many ailments.


Magnesium, sodium and essential oils in cumin; accelerates digestion. Added to some hot water, it is good for stomach aches when consumed. Cumin treats most gastrointestinal disorders, especially bloating. Relieves irritable bowel syndrome symptoms.


  • It is good for eye inflammation.
  • It is good for palpitations.
  • It dissolves kidney stone.
  • It has heating, degassing, solvent, drying and scavenging effects.
  • With olive oil and honey, it is beneficial for testicular swelling locally.
  • It helps wounds heal quickly.
  • If it is pulled into the nose, it stops the bleeding.
  • It is good for stomachache and intestinal gases


In addition to kidney health, you can consume cumin as tea, which is good for the liver. It is very easy to prepare cumin tea, which is good for iron deficiency. To prepare cumin tea, it is necessary to use cumin seeds that have not been crushed. Here are the other steps you need to follow to brew cumin tea:


  • Add two glasses of water to a coffee pot and add your cumin on it and start boiling over medium heat.
  • After the water boils, turn off the fire and let it brew for about 5 minutes. However, in this part, be careful to cover the coffee pot with the help of a cloth.
  • After this waiting, your tea will be ready. When you look into the tea and see that it has a yellow color, you can consume your tea and find a solution to your problems.
