Miraculous salvations are possible! The people who were buried the longest in the world

Miraculous salvations are possible The people who were buried the

Many search and rescue efforts are being carried out to save the earthquake victims under the rubble. Although days have passed after the earthquake, the people rescued from the rubble provide hope. Citizens wonder how long they can stay under the rubble. According to the news on NTV, there are people who can stay under the rubble for days. Here are the people who have been under the rubble for the longest time in the world…


According to experts, it is possible to survive under the rubble for up to a week. However, this time may vary depending on whether the person is seriously injured and weather conditions.

Most rescues occur within the first 24 hours after a disaster. According to experts, the chances of survival decrease with each passing day after that.

In addition to access to water and breathing, weather conditions are among the important factors.


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A specialist in emergency and disaster medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, Dr. “It’s rare to find someone alive, usually after the fifth to seventh day,” says Jarone Lee.


“The more serious the injury, the less chance of survival,” said Dr Paul Auerbach, professor of emergency medicine at Stanford University, who served on rescue teams after the earthquakes in Haiti and Nepal. Emergency medicine specialist at the University of California, San Francisco, Dr. “There are so many different scenarios where we make some truly miraculous rescues and people survive in terrible conditions,” said Christopher Colwell.

Also, mental state can affect the chances of survival. People who have no contact with other survivors or rescuers and who are trapped next to bodies may lose hope, Chiampas said.


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14 days after the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti, a man was pulled alive from the ruins of a store that had been looted many times. At least 200,000 people died in this earthquake. Rico Dibrivell, who was pulled alive from the rubble on the 14th day of the Haiti earthquake, was the last example of the miracles experienced in disasters.

Miracles happened in Turkey in the Marmara earthquake. İsmail Çimen (5 years old), who was rescued from the rubble exactly 151 hours after the earthquake, became the symbol of the miracles experienced. The mother of the little boy, known as “Miracle Ismail” in the press, was also rescued on the second day of the earthquake. However, Ismail’s father and three brothers died under the rubble.

A miracle similar to the Marmara Earthquake took place in Konya in February 2004. 16-year-old Muhammet Kalam was rescued 131 hours after the wreckage of the collapsed apartment building.

The one who managed to survive the longest time under the rubble in Turkey was experienced in 1992 Erzincan Earthquake, before the Marmara earthquake. Nurcan Eraslan, who managed to survive among the concrete blocks by falling to the first floor as a result of the collapse of the stairs while trying to escape from the lodging on the third floor of the SSK Hospital, was rescued after 187 hours. Nurcan Nurse, whose left leg was amputated while she was under the rubble, became synonymous with miracle after the earthquake.

A miracle that happened in Beichuan is still remembered. A woman named Xie Shou Ju was rescued with minor injuries after staying under the rubble for 72 hours. However, it took some more time for her husband to be rescued. His wife, Doctor Tang Xiong, was pulled alive from the rubble 139 hours after the earthquake.

In the city of Mianzhu, an 80-year-old partially paralyzed man named Xiao Zhihu was rescued from the rubble exactly 266 hours later. The situation that kept Zhihu alive under the pillars of his house for 11 days was that he was fed by his wife. As with other major earthquakes, there were many miracles of salvation in the Haiti earthquake. The youngest heroine of these miracles was Elisabeth, who was 3 weeks old. The little girl was under the rubble for a week, but she did not die.

On the 10th day of the earthquake in Haiti, an 84-year-old woman and a 21-year-old man were rescued alive from the rubble in Port-au-Prince on the 10th day. The young survivor also explained that he had to drink his urine when he was thirsty.
