Miraculous foods that will increase sperm quality!

Miraculous foods that will increase sperm quality

Low sperm count can be caused by many reasons. According to researches, in addition to biological and sociological factors, diet also plays an important role in sperm quality. In order for the sperm count not to decrease, it is necessary to stay away from stress, radiation, alcohol, processed foods, and excessively fatty foods such as pastries. To increase sperm count, it is necessary to consume foods high in zinc. Foods containing zinc increase testosterone levels, which causes an increase in sperm counts. Those foods that will improve men’s sperm quality…


Dark chocolate is one of the foods that should be consumed by men who want to have children. Dark chocolate, which has many health benefits thanks to the antioxidant substances it contains, contains an amino acid called L-Arginine HCL. This amino acid significantly increases the semen volume and therefore the sperm count.



Banana contains Bromelin, a rare enzyme. Bromelin, which is a natural anti-inflammatory, increases sperm count and motility as well as this feature. In this way, it increases the probability of having children.



Spinach has been found to increase testosterone levels by 24%, thanks to its high magnesium content.



One of the most important minerals required for male reproductive health is zinc. Carob, which contains plenty of zinc, ensures that sperm production continues in a healthy way and that the sperm count is sufficient.



Pumpkin seeds, which are on the snacks list, will increase sperm quality thanks to their zinc and selenium content.



Garlic contains plenty of selenium and vitamin B6. These components are necessary for the body to produce healthy and adequate sperm.



Pomegranate, which is a healthy and delicious fruit, is a food that symbolizes fertility throughout history and has gained a reputation for helping to have children. Thanks to the antioxidant compounds it contains, it helps to protect the health of sperm cells as well as all cells by fighting free radicals.
