Miraculous cure that prevents fatty liver! Cardiovascular diseases…

Miraculous cure that prevents fatty liver Cardiovascular diseases

Fatty liver is known as the trigger of many diseases. Fatty liver occurs as a result of too much fat storage and accumulation in liver cells. Fatty liver develops due to various reasons. Obesity, insulin resistance, alcohol, rapid weight loss, pregnancy, jaundice, genetic factors are among the factors that cause fatty liver. In order to prevent fatty liver with serious consequences, Dr. You can try the parsley cure given by İbrahim Saracoğlu.

Parsley curing recipe for fatty liver


  • Parsley with stems of 15 grains of small size
  • a whole lemon
  • 1 glass of water


Mix the small parsley, lemon and water and pass it through the blender. Drink the mixture you prepared in the morning on an empty stomach 15-20 minutes before breakfast. Apply this cure for 15 days. Take a break for 5 days and apply again for 15 days.



  • Prevents fatty liver
  • Makes you feel more fit
  • Rejuvenates the skin
  • Solves acne
  • Prevents skin oiliness
  • Brightens the skin in a healthy way
  • diuretic
  • Increases toxins
  • Protects against arteriosclerosis
  • Protects heart health
