Minors are sentenced for two robberies in Västerås

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In sentencing, the district court has taken into account the age of the defendants. Youth supervision means that the sentence is served with foot shackles according to a plan drawn up by the correctional service. During evenings and nights on weekends, the convict is forbidden to leave the home.

Youth supervision is one new penalty established from 1 January 2021. Convicted between 15 and 21 years of age can receive that penalty if neither youth care nor youth services are sufficiently intrusive penalties.

In one of the robberies, the defendants carried out the crime together. One person was subjected to threats and violence in the form of punches and kicks, and was robbed of, among other things, his phone. The second robbery was carried out by the 15-year-old himself and an electric scooter was stolen in addition to threats and violence.

The two convicts must pay damages to the claimants.
