ministers in the sights of feminist associations

ministers in the sights of feminist associations

A month after the re-election of Emmanuel Macron, the new government is complete. The transfers of power between the outgoing and incoming ministers ended this Saturday, May 21 and everyone is therefore ready to work. A new team that does not please everyone. The organization ” Dare feminism strongly condemns the presence in government of Gérald Darmanin, Eric Dupond-Moretti and Stanislas Guérini.

We strongly condemn these three appointments “, affirmed in a press release the activists of” Dare feminism “, seeing there the” proof ” that ” the appointment of a woman to Matignon does not make a feminist policy “.

The Keeper of the Seals, Eric Dupond-Moretti, retained in his post, has long been criticized for taking sexist positions. In 2018, he said, for example, that he found it astounding that whistling a woman would become a criminal offence. As for the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, who has also retained his portfolio, it is the rape charges of which it is the object, which earned it being in the sights of feminist movements. Last January, the prosecution requested a dismissal. It is now up to the examining magistrate to decide.

► To read also: The appointment of Gérald Darmanin to the Interior also reacts abroad (2020)

an honest man »

Finally, Stanislas Guérini, a newcomer to the government, in charge of Transformation and the Public Service, is singled out for the remarks he made on Wednesday about Jérôme Peyrat, then candidate for the presidential majority in the legislative elections, condemned for domestic violence. It is ” an honest man ” and ” I don’t think he is capable of violence against women. “said Stanislas Guerini.

Several feminist organizations, including the Observatory of sexist and sexual violence in politics and the collective We all, call for demonstrations on Tuesday, May 24, in Paris against what they describe as ” government of shame “. Activists say they are ready to support Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne and her Minister for Equality between Women and Men Isabelle Rome if they take “strong measures” for women, including a budget of one billion euros for combat domestic violence.

(And with AFP)

►Also read: France: the government of Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne unveiled
