ministers deprived of their diplomatic passports

ministers deprived of their diplomatic passports

In Guinea, the Prime Minister announced Monday October 23 that the diplomatic and service travel documents of members of the government will be withdrawn. Officially, the measure is part of the rebuilding of the Guinean state, to improve the quality of public services. But, according to the Guinean press, the president of the transition Mamadi Doumbouya is annoyed by the practices of certain ministers and wants to regulate the numerous and costly trips of the government team

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Guinean ministers deprived of their passports. Monday October 23, the Prime Minister announced that the diplomatic and service travel documents of members of the government will be withdrawn from them. According to the Prime Minister, the measure is part of the refoundation of the Guinean state aimed at improving the quality of its public services.

The Prime Minister indicates that he wants “ improve administrative formalities regarding business travel “. He instructed the secretary general of his government “ to collect passports “, then to work on the reorganization of the services for granting future mission orders, but also to review ” formalities for obtaining visas and reception at the airport » when ministers go on official trips.

This decision by the Prime Minister confirms the revelation of the information site Media Guinea this weekend who wrote, on the other hand, that the withdrawal of these passports had been ordered by Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya himself.

During the month, the president of the transition displayed his annoyance at the presence – far too frequent for his liking – of ministers in ceremonies, seminars and other events in Guinea and internationally. This while fears of a slide of the transition timetable are multiplying, and that the State is still looking for funding to organize local, parliamentary and presidential elections before the end of 2024.

Read alsoGuinea: “The three priorities of the transition are social, economic, political” for Colonel Doumbouya
