Minister Delegate Moreno takes stock

Minister Delegate Moreno takes stock

Since the Grenelle of domestic violence in 2019, local victim support committees made up of different actors have been set up in each department. This is to make the fight against domestic violence more effective. Devices deemed insufficient on the side of associations helping women victims of violence.

On January 12, the Minister Delegate in charge of Equality between Women and Men gave a progress report on the actions undertaken since the Grenelle against domestic violence during his trip to the local victim assistance committee of Seine-Saint-Denis.

Elisabeth Moreno welcomed some fifty measures put in place by the government to fight against domestic violence: the “Telephone great danger” device, anti-reconciliation bracelets or even recently with a decree allowing victims to be informed. of their attacker’s release from prison.

Actions deemed insufficient by women’s aid associations who are calling for more prevention and resources, among other things: ” What is obviously needed, first of all, is an increase in the budget. It can be recalled that the budget of the State Secretariat for Gender Equality is the smallest in the government “, explains Diane Richard, of the collective #NousToutes.

Fully enforce existing laws

For the feminist activist, what is needed above all is the application of existing laws: “ First of all, the police simply have to enforce the law. When a woman victim comes to lodge a complaint, we are obliged to take her complaint. While studies still show that many complaints are denied. »

For doctor Ghada Hatem of the Maison des femmes de Saint-Denis association, more emergency accommodation centers are needed: “ There are plenty of very good measures, but they are not fully implemented. And then there are things that are missing. For example, the emergency accommodation which remains insufficient, the support and the care of the perpetrators. Because, if we have identified a violent man and no one really takes care of him, this man will remain violent! »

In France, at least one hundred and thirteen women were killed in 2021 by their spouses or ex-spouses.

To listen: Intra-family violence: what remains to be done

