Minister Caroline Cayeux leaves the Borne government

Minister Caroline Cayeux leaves the Borne government

This is the first departure of the Borne 2 government, formed after the legislative elections. The Minister Delegate for Local Authorities, Caroline Cayeux, has tendered her resignation. In question, a problem of declaration of assets with the High Authority for the transparency of public life.

I prefer to resign so as not to hinder the action of the government. Caroline Cayeux wanted to give her version of her departure in a text published on social networks.

According to her, the problem would come from a difference of opinion on her declaration of assets with the HATVP, which would call into question her “sincerity”. The High Authority refuses for the moment to communicate on the subject.

The opposition is on its skeptical side. ” Decidedly, the macronie is bogged down in the business of money, conflicts of interest and opacity “, pinged the deputy LFI Bastien Lachaud, imitated by elected socialists, but also RN.

On the side of the party Les Républicains, the former political family of Caroline Cayeux, we say we are especially surprised at the time that the former mayor of Beauvais has managed to stay in office.

Read also France: elected officials and personalities denounce the “homophobic” remarks of Minister Cayeux

Because homophobic statements unearthed last July had greatly weakened it. An LR MEP believes that she had ” nothing to do in this government from the beginning » and that Emmanuel Macron « must have been wondering for a while how to get it out “.

Caroline Cayeux will be replaced in her duties by Dominique Faure, who will also retain her current portfolio as Rural Affairs Officer.

The Élysée previously announced that it had terminated the functions of Ms. Cayeux ” at his request », and specified that his attributions would be taken over by his colleague in charge of Rurality, Dominique Faure. The latter rose from the rank of Secretary of State to that of Minister Delegate.

►Also read France: Elisabeth Borne triggers a sixth 49.3 on a budget text in the Assembly
