Minimum wage, majority takes six months

Minimum wage majority takes six months

(Finance) – The government takes six months to change the minimum wage lawwhich has as its primary objective “to ensure workers fair and equitable remuneration“.

One predicts it majority amendment on the minimum wage currently in committee in the House, which rewrites the proposal of law presented by the opposition.

According to the proposal, signed by all the center-right group leaders in commission, the government “is delegated to adopt, upon proposal of the Minister of Labor”, within six months, one or more legislative decrees aimed at “intervening in matters of workers’ compensation and collective bargaining” in such a way as to “guarantee the implementation of the right of every worker to a wage proportionate and sufficient, as enshrined in Article 36 of the Constitution”.

Oppositions arise, in particular the leader of the 5 Star Movement Giuseppe Conte. according to which the majority parties “they will humiliate Parliament”. The amendment is also opposed Democratic party who reports a “coup de mano” on the minimum wage.

According to the opposition parties, in this way, the majority take more timeas he had already done with the suspension requested at the beginning of August pending the opinion provided by Cnelwho had expressed himself against the setting of a legal minimum by law. Opinion motivated by a series of considerations including the consideration that “working poverty is often linked not only to insufficient wages but is the result of a process that goes well beyond wages and which concerns working hours, family composition, taxation”.
