Minimum wage, business and worker associations are divided

DBA approves the first sustainability report

(Finance) – With the approval of the final document on poor work and the minimum wage, the president of the CNEL, Renato Brunetta, delivered the text approved by a large majority in yesterday’s session to Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. A text that was not well received by all business and workers’ associations.

Faced with the vote against by CGIL and UIL, for example, Paolo Uggè of Conftrasporto considers “the renunciation of CGIL and UIL to be difficult to understand, as from supporters of the value of representation and the role of the social partners they have now become the defenders of a line of opposition to a solution that enhances the role of intermediate bodies”. “But it is legitimate to change your mind”, concludes the president of Fai-Conftrasporto.

Also Confcommercio shares the final document of the CNEL because the Italian bargaining system “moves, overall, in a different direction from that of a mere hourly rate”. For Confcommercio bargaining is, therefore, the right choice and the Confederation has always maintained that the main path is that of the erga omnes valorisation of all the treatments provided for in the leader contracts and that, on the contrary, a “straight-forward” intervention by the legislator would destroy the very bargaining that has always worked in Italy. Furthermore, through the support of bargaining, all national tables will be able to benefit, even those with more complex paths: this is what Confcommercio said on the final document on poor work and minimum wage approved yesterday by the CNEL assembly.

“We fully agree with the document of the CNEL Information Commission chaired by Professor Michele Tiraboschi”, is what he declared the president of Confprofessioni and advisor to the CNELGaetano Stellaat the end of the Assembly of the National Council for Economy and Labour.

“The minimum wage cannot be imposed by law, much less replace collective bargaining, which is sovereign in labor relations. The Government’s choice to entrust the CNEL with such a complex matter which falls within the functions and prerogatives of the social partners is therefore right. And it is precisely the social actors who, through collective agreements, can and must define not only minimum wages but also innovative forms of welfare and adequate levels of productivity. From this perspective – concludes Stella – the document approved by the Cnel Assembly is a starting point for analyzing numerous aspects concerning the labor market and employment”.
