Mineral and vitamin store! Here are 9 foods that remove toxins from the body and make you look like a newborn

The toxin, which creates negative effects in almost every part of the body, especially affects the intestinal flora. The toxin that causes the formation of stones and sand also causes digestive problems. In addition to these, it increases in mental illnesses such as depression, fatigue and stress. So, what are the foods that detoxify our body? Here are the foods that cleanse the body…


1. Parsley

Parsley is a good anti-edema food. The juice of parsley, which can also be consumed as a salad, can also be consumed.

The edema salad recipe that you can consume in the snack and main meal;
Chop the parsley. Add olive oil and lemon to it. Then add boiled lentils, pomegranate and kiwi and mix. Enjoy your meal…


Slice the parsley, half a lemon and half a cucumber. Consume it by adding it to the water.


Green tea improves insulin resistance. It is one of the most commonly consumed edema suppressants. Green tea can be easily consumed on hot days by adding cold water to it after being brewed and added to a jug. You can also add lemon to it.


Experts offer some suggestions that will allow you to easily remove these harmful toxins from your body without using drugs. The toxin enters the body with nutrition and deforms the body over time. So it needs to be cleaned.

You can make your body clean by consuming the onion and garlic cure for 21 days.

Here is the recipe;
Grate 1 clove of garlic in a bowl of homemade yogurt. Grate a quarter of the onion. Add dill, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and a little ground black pepper and whisk.

This cure is used in the treatment of many chronic diseases such as diseases affecting the arteries, cancer, immune system disorder and painful joint diseases.

5. Dandelion

It is an excellent cleanser for people who eat irregularly. It is very rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains plenty of antioxidants. Cleanses the digestive system and liver. It can be added to salad.

6. Broccoli Sprouts

Broccoli is very beneficial. Its sprouts are more useful than itself. Broccoli sprouts, an herb that cleanses the body, can be added to salads or meals.

7. Flaxseed

Flaxseed is very effective in purifying the body from toxic substances. Cleanses the digestive system and intestines. It also provides omega 3 fatty acid support. You can consume 1 spoon of ground flaxseed by mixing it with lemon water every morning.

8. Artichoke

It is known to cleanse the liver. It is especially recommended for people with high liver values. It also has benefits for the kidneys.


Beet, which is a store of B3, B6 and beta carotene; It is rich in iron, magnesium, zinc and calcium. It is especially beneficial for the liver. It cleans the body. It helps the liver to destroy toxic substances. The fiber in it eases digestion.

Apart from these foods; Drinking plenty of water, reducing salt consumption, exercising regularly and doing sports, sleeping regularly and staying away from stress also help you to remove toxins from the body.
