Minecraft Villager Professions

Minecraft Villager Professions Cepkolik

Today we will talk about today’s popular game minecraft villager professions. The profession update that came to the villagers in the past, in terms of players great advantage provided. Easy magical tools from the road and their armor They bought it from the villagers at very cheap prices. With this update, the villagers village zombie from there again to the peasant With the discounted prices provided by the villagers, players can put the products they bought in the Survival series to their chests. they stored.

Minecraft Villager Professions

Sorcerer Peasant

Thanks to this item added to the game, which is lectern in English and lectern in Turkish, when we put this item around 18 blocks of any trained villager, we can give the villager the profession of wizard. We can easily get most of the magical books and some items in the game from this villager.

Miner Villager


This villager is the villager from whom we can buy emeralds and magical/non-magical armors.

Cook Peasant

Cook Peasant

If you put this villager smoky oven near the villager he will sell you some of the minecraft items you can eat. You need to collect raw chicken meat to get emeralds.

Miner Villager

Miner Villager

If you place the puzzle stone next to the villager, your villager will have the Miner Villager profession. You will be able to buy terracotta from the villager with Emerald.

The Merchant Villager

The Merchant Villager

Thanks to this villager, you will be able to buy emeralds with or without magic axes, picks, shovels, and hoes.

Mapmaker Peasant

Mapmaker Peasant

Thanks to this villager, you can buy treasures or empty maps that have not been found in Minecraft.

Farmer Peasant

Farmer Peasant

Thanks to this villager, you can buy bread with emeralds, and you can buy emeralds by selling soil fruits such as raw carrots and potatoes to the villager.

Archer Villager

Archer Villager

Thanks to this villager, you can trade emeralds by selling sticks. You can get bows, arrows or crossbows with Emerald. If you are lucky, you may encounter magical ones of these items.

Weaver Peasant

Weaver Peasant

This villager is the least preferred villager by Minecraft players. The reason is only to be the wool that it offers to you. You can trade wool with emerald thanks to this villager.

Fishing Villager

Fishing Villager

This is the villager where you can sell most of the raw fish and get emeralds in return. It is among the most preferred villagers.

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