Minecraft states at its price, because “this is the best deal in the world”

Even after 16 years, Minecraft still has a clear purchase price. You stick to that and are convinced of it, because the deal is unbeatable.

If you have looked at the gaming industry in recent years, there were many changes. Full-price titles are less common and especially large online games are often on a Free2Play model, in which you can then buy different premium content-with the possibility to spend significantly more money than you would have done in other games.

But there is a game that has recorded its original price policy even after 16 years: Minecraft. The developers even boast and think: “This is the best deal in the world.”

Minecraft shows in the video how the graphic of the game will improve

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What was said? In an interview with IGN, Ingela Garneij (Executive Producer for Minecraft Vanilla) was asked why Minecraft holds on a “Buy to Play” model and is not based on other games. She said:

Yes, as we created the game, it doesn’t really work for us. I mean we created the game for another purpose. Such a monetization does not work for us. There is a purchase of the game and that’s it.

It is important for us that our game is accessible to as many people as possible. So I think that one of our core values ​​is that it should be available to everyone. This is the best deal in the world.

What about the statement? Even if this statement is of course an exaggeration, the truth cannot be dismissed. Because for the 20 € to € 30 that you paid for Minecraft when buying, you got a lot of content. Anyone who compares the game with the content of 16 years ago will only find a few parallels. Not only were there completely new dimensional levels, but also numerous new mechanics, hundreds of new blocks and NPCs.

If you look a little around, you will find many players who spent several thousand hours in Minecraft – for them that should really have been one of the “best deals in the world”.

In addition, Minecraft does not seem to be over. The game is constantly being developed. Even if you often have to wait a few months for updates, there are always innovations and improvements-such as a huge graphic update or soon the opportunity to travel on flight mounts.

Minecraft will probably also go down in history as one of the most successful video games of all time – and one that has remained relatively constant in its pricing over almost two decades, although there are new patches and improvements every year.

What is your opinion on Minecraft and pricing? Is 30 € a fair price you paid for the amount of fun? Or are they “nice and stupid” at Mojang that they don’t get significantly more money out of Minecraft?
