Minecraft has many animals that you can feed, tame, and take advantage of. We will now show you all the animals, what they eat and what you get from feeding them.
Which animals can be tamed in Minecraft? There are a total of nine animals that you can tame with the right food. In our table we show you which animals are, what they have to eat or you have to do and what purpose they serve once they have been tamed:
Basically, taming gives you certain benefits for animals you can tame. They either protect you or serve as pack mules or mounts. You can tell when an animal is tamed when little hearts pop up over the animal.
Which animals can be mated? But there are also animals that cannot be tamed, only mated. They can then be multiplied to guarantee a reliable source of food, build a farm, or create more guards for your structures. These include the following animals:
You can tell when an animal is ready to mate when hearts pop up over the animal all the time.
That was all the important information regarding the taming and food as well as the mating of animals that are available in Minecraft.
Small note at the end: We didn’t list dolphins in our overview because they can neither be tamed nor paired. All you can do is take them on a leash and take them where you want them to go. They also bring you treasure if you feed them raw fish.
If you don’t feel like farming XP, we have the perfect trick for you: Don’t want to farm XP in Minecraft? With this trick it goes by itself