Mims, the decisions of the Unified Conference: ok to projects for 87 million euros

Pnrr Mims the tender for the award of energy efficiency

(Finance) – The Unified Conference gave the green light today to three decree schemes the Minister of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility, Enrico Giovannini. The first concerns the assignment to Port System Authority (AdSP) of further 10.2 million euros for the feasibility design of infrastructural works considered a priority. In particular, the Unified Conference agreed to the draft decree that allocates the resources from the ‘Planning Fund’ to the 48 proposals considered eligible for funding by the National AdSP coordination conference. The amount of 10.2 million euros, which is added to the approximately 30 million already assigned, allows to fully finance the realization of feasibility projects of all the works already selected.

The second decree concerns the Integrated plan of social housing. The Unified Conference agreed on funding for the Lombardy Regions (47.7 million euros), Basilicata (2.4 million euros) and Valle d’Aosta (450,439 euros), which had presented the list of interventions of maintenance beyond the scheduled deadline of 2 March 2022. In addition, the Region of Sicily is granted an additional 90 days to access the loan (approximately 22 million euros). The same decree confirms, for all Regions, the financing of the interventions, the methods of disbursement of state resources and the monitoring of the program, also regulating the methods of defining in cases of default.

Finally, the Unified Conference agreed to the draft decree that distributes the balance of 4 million euros to the Regions with a Special Statute, to the governmental managements and to the company. Subalpine of Imprese Ferroviarie Spa, subsidized directly by the State, to cover the costs deriving from the application of the National Labor Contract for local public transport referring to the year 2019 (80% of the contribution, equal to 18 million euros, was issued in March 2021).
