Millions rain over the Sorry duo – who really earns the most?

Millions rain over the Sorry duo who really earns

Since March 2020, the humor personalities have Johanna Nordström28, and Edvin Törnblom, 27, together ran the Ursäkta podcast. Today, the podcast is one of Sweden’s best.

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In addition to hearing Johanna Nordström in the podcast, the Swedish people have also been able to see her on TV several times. Most recently last fall when the comedy queen competed in TV4’s Förrädarna.

Edvin Törnblom has also become a well-known face and his show “The gay is loose (in the stomach) has sold out several times.

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Who earns the most?

According to data from the tax authority which News24 have taken note of, during 2022 Johanna Nordström had a determined earned income of SEK 1,789,000. Spread over the twelve months of the year, it gave her a monthly salary of over SEK 149,000.

Hot on the heels comes the colleague who in 2022 had a fixed earned income of SEK 1,780,500. Spread over the twelve months of the year, it gave him a monthly salary of around SEK 148,000.

– I really know what it’s like to not have money. Just a year and a half ago, I borrowed money from my parents to pay the rent. And they have no abundance, so I don’t come from money, Edvin Törnblom has said in an interview with The Express 2023.

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