Millions of scam calls stopped

Millions of scam calls stopped

Published: Just now

full screenMillions of scam calls stopped every month. Archive image. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

Last year, Telia stopped between two and five million scam calls to Swedish customers every month. In total, almost 29 million scam calls were stopped by online filters last year.

The number of stopped fraud attempts on SMS was between 110,000 and 200,000 per month in the last quarter of 2022.

Despite the high numbers, Simon Binder, security expert at Telia, says that these are lower levels than before and points to several reasons.

“On the one hand, we have successfully stopped many attempts, and thanks to increased security thinking, I would say that more and more Swedes are more vigilant, which means that the attempts are decreasing. We also see that hoax text messages have decreased significantly in the past year, which is an effect of more technical solutions in our network,” he says in a press release

According to the Swedish Internet Foundation’s report “Swedes and the Internet”, about six out of ten Swedes had been exposed to online fraud in the past twelve months and more than half (55%) had received an email or text message from a fake sender.
