Millions of people in Turkey today were shaken by the “Vital Warning Notice”

Millions of people in Turkey today were shaken by the

Today, millions of people across Turkey suddenly receive the “Vital Warning Notification” on their smart phones. shaken.

In certain parts of Turkey, such as Ankara, there have been heavy rains in recent days. Those who want to send a notification to users about this Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD), past hours Android and iOS sent to phones “In case of emergencies such as floods, floods, landslides that we encounter due to the ongoing meteorological conditions in our country, please call the single number 112 Emergency Call Center.” He scared everyone with his Vital Alert Notification message. The content of this message is pleasingly extremely frightening (Earthquake, tsunami etc. as) there was no case. Here, it was the incredibly loud sound and the advanced vibration that is not normally seen on the phones of this sent message that mainly scared people. Many people received this message for the first time and were shocked. Especially while driving Vital Alert Notice Those who were faced with the disaster stated that they experienced a surprise that could create the risk of an accident.

Usually abroad This system is used for the upcoming very large natural events., received some backlash because it was used for such a standard information in Turkey. By the way, this warning did not go to certain operators in Turkey. For example, while most Turkcell users received notifications, Vodafone had some who did not. Some people received more than one notification, doubling the fear.

If you want these notifications, your phones It can be turned off via notification settings.. However, we strongly do not recommend that you do this. After the current situation, we think that AFAD and other institutions will use this system only for very, very urgent situations. In this respect, it is important to keep Vital Alert Notifications open for security reasons.


A similar issue came to the fore with Apple AirPods last month. AirPods ProAs it turns out, in 2020, a 12-year-old boy living in the USA tore the eardrum. So how did this happen? According to the description AirPods Pro The child watching Netflix at low volume while plugged in was suddenly confronted with a very loud “AMBER Alert”.

According to the lawsuit, this very loud sound coming from the in-ear headphones had such an effect that it ruptured the eardrum of the child. not in Turkey AMBER alerts (America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response) can be turned off in the settings if desired, but it comes built-in. In the meantime, other people have complaints about this as well.

It is stated that AirPods can turn up the volume very high, especially for warnings. Many people who are disturbed by these warnings have complaints. Apple, which does not make a statement about this case, may have to pay serious compensation to the child and his family who have permanent hearing damage due to the situation.

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