Millions for the Utrecht district of Overvecht: what happens with all that money and what does it yield?

No increase in social rental homes for 10 years Klapper

An overview of the municipality shows where the money is going now. It contains all the organizations that are financed from it, such as DOCK Utrecht, the JoU Foundation, but also the neighborhood ambassadors and, for example, the Dare to Dream Foundation. The amounts vary enormously. An organization such as the JoU Foundation and DOCK also receive about 250,000 euros annually. The Dare to Dream Foundation comes under the heading of residents’ initiatives and has received a total of 80,000 euros over the past three years, says Van den Berg, manager of the neighborhood approach ‘Samen voor Overvecht’. It is noticeable that the largest part of the money goes to established institutions, while the municipality wants to do business with Overvechters itself. For example, 81,000 euros was spent on residents’ initiatives last year. This year, that amount is 24,000 euros.

The money from the government was spent on, among other things, preventing young people from ‘choosing’ a criminal career, the development of the Nieuw Overvecht business park and a project such as Leerpracht.

If you want to see all the figures, they can be found in the progress reports of ‘Samen voor Overvecht’ on the site of the municipality.
