Millionaire for 10 years after winning the lottery, she continues to practice this beautiful profession

Millionaire for 10 years after winning the lottery she continues

In 2014, Ruth Breen won £1 million in EuroMillions. Despite the huge sum, she wouldn’t have given up her job for anything.

We all imagine winning the lottery one day and wonder what we would do with this large sum of money. While most people want to treat themselves by traveling with their family or buying nice cars, others play it safe by investing in real estate or choosing the right financial investments. And contrary to what you might think, quitting work is not really what the winners plan to do (at least not all of them).

In 2014, Ruth Breen won £1 million in EuroMillions, but that didn’t mean the then 45-year-old Briton decided to leave her work colleagues. Especially since she is passionate about her job and plays an essential role in the lives of young parents. The lucky winner is a mother of a little girl, but she has nevertheless opted to reduce her working hours in order to better reconcile her family and professional life. “Giving up my role as a midwife was never an option for me. I still love going to work and meeting new parents, delivering babies and working with families in those early weeks,” she told the national lottery.

For the 10th anniversary of her win, Ruth decided to work in favor of the association The Baby Room which helps families in difficulty, by providing them with baby clothes, care and hygiene products and the necessary for the birth of the baby.As a mom, I know how daunting the early days can be and having the added worry of how to provide for this little person you brought into the world would be incredibly overwhelming.”

Fortunately, the big-hearted midwife didn’t forget to treat herself during her trips to Dubai, Saint Lucia and Mauritius. She also fell for a beautiful designer wardrobe, with Jimmy Choo handbags and shoes.
