Milleproroghe, the government trusts the measure

Milleproroghe the government trusts the measure

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – The governmentas expected, he posed the question of trust to the House on the approval of the decree One thousand extensions, without making any changes to the text already approved in the first reading by the Senate. This was announced in the Chamber by the Minister of Relations with Parliament Luca Ciriani.

Confidence will be voted on tomorrow, always around 6.30 pm, after the explanations of vote scheduled from 5 pm onwards. The final vote the measure is scheduled for the day of Thursday 24 February. The decree must be converted into law by 27 February.

The general discussion on the conversion of the Milleproroghe decree into law took place this afternoon, with the presentation of the speakers Alessandro Urzì (FdI) and Roberto Pella (FI). The general discussion had been started in the early afternoon, after that the Assembly of Montecitorio had rejected the constitutionality ruling presented by AVS.
