Milleproroghe: from new scrapping to Sugar Tax, what can change

Budget law government meets employers associations at Palazzo Chigi

(Finance) – majority in pressing on scrapping of the folders. The proposals to extend the facilitated definition include in the list of over 360 amendments to the decree millegal “reported” by the parties.

The League reports the amendment At the first sign signing Garavaglia to extinct the debts resulting from the individual loads entrusted to the collection agents until 31 December 2023, with the possibility of paying them in 120 installments. The Civic Group of Italy-UDC-Moderate-Moie-Moie-Centro Popolare instead saves the bourgeois amendment that reopens the quater scrapping until 31 December 2024, with the payment in a maximum of 18 installments. Bipartisa push also confirmedn to give companies more time to get in compliance with the obligation to secure against catastrophic risks.

In the first instance, a little proposed had come from all parties, Mind among the reported only three amendments: those of the Civic Group of Italy and the M5S, which propose the postponement to 30 June 2025, and one of the Democratic Party asking to move the deadline to 31 December 2025. The majority also insists on the Sagar tax slip, which should enter into force at July 1st
