Milleproroghe, CNA: urgent comparison with government on catastrophic policies

Budget law government meets employers associations at Palazzo Chigi

(Finance) – “It is necessary to open cOn urgency a table with the government on the obligation of policies against catastrophic risks and natural disasters. “Cna asks for the definitive approval of the Milleproroghe decree with the failure to accept by the executive of the transversal amendments for an extension. The end of March 31 – says CNA – is not practicable, especially since the decree for the implementing rules of the policy obligation is still missing. 4 million companies may have a maximum of a month to sign contracts.

The request for extension – reads still in the note – It was motivated by the elements of uncertainty and by the deficiencies of the law. As an example, the companies of the island of Elba who have reported damage in recent days due to bad weather would have had no compensation as the rain does not fall within the phenomena covered by mandatory policies. The portal was still missing by IVASS to compare the various offers and thus allow companies to be in a position to sign effective policies in full awareness.

The comparison with the government “also serves to define a system of policies that is effective in terms of covers and with costs that take into account the principle of mutuality”.
