Milleproroghe, amendments time expired: Anief supports those on the school

Milleproroghe amendments time expired Anief supports those on the school

(Finance) – There are very few hours left to change the decree n. 198 published in the Official Gazette last December 29, the so-called Milleproroghe decree: the time for the acceptance of the amendments by the Senate Commissions that have taken charge of the text approved by the Government is in fact running out. The examination of the formulated requests will begin immediately afterwards. Even those presented to change the school, including the 16 promoted by Anief and illustrated a couple of days ago at the First and Fifth Commission of Palazzo Madama by a delegation from the young union led by its national president Marcello Pacifico.

We are asking for what all schools want – says the leader of the young autonomous trade union Marcellus Pacific – what is the additional headcount of teachers and ATAessential to deal with the amount of work that is arriving in the secretariats to manage the Pnrr. Just as teachers included in the competitive rankings of merit are needed by schools, including extraordinary procedures, which instead of being hired have been incredibly set aside. Not to mention those who ask in vain to move up vacanciesdue to anachronistic constraints that everyone has long been asking to cancel and while waiting for this to happen, the extension of extraordinary mobility must be introduced “.

“To our institutes – continues Pacifico – we need the many qualified precarious workers with substitutes behind themto be entered into the role directly from GPS as is already the case for support, as well as the acting Dsga function who are entitled to participate in bankruptcy procedures reserved for them. We also ask the Senate to confirm the contracts of the teaching and managerial staff hired under reserve, the extension of the rankings of the competition for primary childhood, of the course-competition to become principal. As well as the postponement of the terms of acquisition of the 24 credits useful for the qualification to teach and of the Afam terms. Looking beyond the school – concludes trade unionist Anief – we asked for an extension for the hiring of university researchersas well as terms relating to public administrations”.
