(Finance) – The Italian Association of Young Lawyers (AIGA) The favorable opinion expressed by the Constitutional Affairs Commission of the Senate to the amendments of the “Milleproroghe decree” concerning the qualification examination of the forensic profession, strongly desired by our association.
With the amendments, the Extension of the transitional regime of the methods of carrying out thequalification exam To the forensic profession also for the year 2025, confirming those adopted for sessions 2023 and 2024 and maintaining the special method of carrying out the exam which provides for a written test (judicial act) and a three -phase oral, already successfully experienced in the last session . Also positive the change of the minimum vote for the oral test, which goes from 105 to 90as requested by the Association.
“This is a fundamental conquest for young practicing lawyers – says the National President of Aiga, Carlo Foglieni -. The stability of the examination methods will guarantee continuity, certainty and uniformity of treatment between the candidates of the different sessions. This represents a concrete step towards the reform of the qualification exam currently under discussion of the constituent of the lawyer established at the National Forensic Council. A system of access to the clear and fair profession is essential for the growth of our category “.
Aiga addresses a heartfelt thanks to the deputy minister of justice, Francesco Paolo Sistoand to all political forces and, in particular, to all the signatories of the different amendments presented (Senators Ternullo, Paroli, Salemi, Berrino, Russo, De Priam, Stefani, Pucciarelli, Tosato, Spelgatti, Rossomando, Bazoli, Verini, Mirabelli, Bilotti, Lopreente, Cataldi, De Cristoforo, Cucchi, Aurora Floridia and Magni), ” They listened to our requests, demonstrating, once again, concrete attention to the instances of the young lawyer “, highlights Foglieni.
For the president of young lawyers, the extension of the methods of the qualification exam and the passage of the minimum vote from 105 to 90 is a “significant resultthe result of a constant commitment and the determination with which Aiga has carried out the instances of the young lawyer, guaranteeing a more solid and just future for those who look out the legal profession “.