Milleproroghe 2023: the amendment proposals reported by the Anief legislative office rise to 16

Military or equivalent service Anief Justice is prevailing

(Finance) – The examination of the Decree Law n.198 of 29 December 2022, the so-called Milleproroghe decree. Among the many requests for modification, the presence of urgent provisions for the school, some of which are in line with the agendas approved in December at Palazzo Madama. Anief let it be known in a note that he has presented 16 amendment proposalsall reported by the Legislative Bureau.

The demands of the young union ranging from the extension of the extraordinary mobility as an exception to the restrictions imposed unlawfully to the confirmation of the validity of the rankings of the integrated extraordinary competition bis. The other extensions requested by Anief concern the assignment of the PNRR and additional staff, the contracts of the teaching and managerial staff hired with reserve, the validity of the competition for primary childhood, the course-competition for school managers and the validity of the rankings of merit. Among the requests presented by the representative trade union organization there is also the postponement of the terms for the acquisition of the 24 credits useful for teaching qualification, but also of the AFAM terms, of the GPS recruitments on common positions as well as those of support, of the admission of the ATA staff acting under the DSGA competition, of the assignment of resources to EPR, of the mobility rates of the principals, as well as the hiring of university researchers and the terms in the field of public administrations.

“The agendas approved at the end of December in the Senate – he underlines Marcello Pacifico, national president of Anief – they cannot be disregarded: one cannot think of going ahead without the additional staff, essential for carrying out the Pnrr projects in schools. It is also necessary to extend the competition rankings, starting with the extraordinary competition bis, which are fundamental for combating precariousness. Just as we need the exceptions to the blocks on the mobility of workers, which go against the right to family and to work. It is also necessary to confirm in the roles of the State all those who have been hired with reservations and to find a solution, with a course-competition, for those who have presented an appeal to become head teacher. We also asked – concludes the trade union leader of Anief – specific extensions to promote qualifications, recruitment from provincial rankings for everyone, to hire ATA personnel, to stabilize university researchers, specific interventions for the PA”.
