Ukraine has detained a military man suspected of helping men of military age to leave the country in exchange for cash, according to the AFP news agency.
Since Kiev imposed a state of emergency after Russia’s full-scale invasion last year, men between the ages of 18 and 60 are banned from leaving Ukraine because they must be prepared to be called up at any time.
The detained man worked in Kyiv’s city administration and headed a department within the army, according to Ukrainian police. He allegedly issued false certificates showing that men were unfit for military service. Men who can present such documents are allowed to cross the border.
The price for a document must have been equivalent to around SEK 100,000. The detained man was caught red-handed when he handed over documents to three people, according to the police.
Ukraine has relied on conscripting men of military age to replace losses and move forward with its counteroffensive. In January, Ukrainian authorities introduced exemptions that allow civil servants and employees with socially necessary professions to avoid the service.