Military or equivalent service, Anief: “Justice is prevailing”

Military or equivalent service Anief Justice is prevailing

(Finance) – It is right to consider the score relating to military service (or equivalent) performed not in a constant working relationship with the Ministry of Education. This was confirmed on State Councilwelcoming theprecautionary petition in favor of the Ata staff of the school who asked to evaluate this period, carried out in the service of the State, “as per the explanatory table in possession of the qualification valid for access to the respective professional profiles”. For the Council of State, – Anief explains in a note – military service or substitute service assimilated by law to military service, must therefore be recognized for the purposes of “evaluation in full in the ranking where they asked for inclusion – military conscription service (or substitute service assimilated to it) not performed in constant appointment – as a service provided in state schools “, thus conferring” 6 points for each year and 0.50 points for each month or fraction greater than 15 days in their respective professional profiles “.

“In the long run, justice is also prevailing over this battle in defense of the rights of precarious school workers: the administration – commented Marcello Pacifico, national president of Anief – must explain to the judges why a service performed in any case for the State, such as that of the military or of the year carried out on an equivalent job, if subsequent to the achievement of the qualification, should not be considered non-specific and therefore useful to improve one’s score in the rankings. It is a concept that applies to teachers and now also to administrative and technical staff and school collaborators. We therefore invite all those who can request its validity to contact the Anief to ask how to resort to obtaining the evaluation of military service performed not in constant appointment “.
