(Finance) – The Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Matteo Salvini, today he carried out an inspection on the Anas Cantiere (FS group) of Valle di Cadore to monitor the progress of the works of the works relating to the Milan Olympics Plan Cortina 2026, in the presence of the CEO of Anas Claudio Andrea Gemmeaccompanied by the managers of the Anas Veneto territorial structure and by the technicians of the works management. The most important institutional figures in the area spoke to the event.
As for Veneto, Anas complementary works to the road network for the Olympic and Paralympic winter games They are: the variant of Tai di Cadore, the Valle di Cadore variant and the variant of San Vito di Cadore. The total investment of Anas for the three variants is over 250 million euros.
“The works along the SS 51 of Alemagna – he said The CEO of Anas, Claudio Andrea Gemme -, of which I have already been a commissioner at the time of my presidency in Anas until 2021, have a particular importance for me. I come back with a look addressed to the future and the conclusion of the works, to have Safe, comfortable and modern roads of which the inhabitants of this extraordinary territory will use “.
“Projects like this – continues Gemme – favor Anas’s main objective: guarantee the territorial continuity of the country through the road and motorway network. To this end, Anas designs, builds and protects the heritage of the infrastructures that are entrusted to it, offering a significant contribution to the development of the territory and the economy. In addition, we manage roads and road safety along the entire direct network and in coordination with the other bodies involved “.
Veneto: the detail of the interventions
Variant of Tai di Cadore
It is about 1,500 meters long. It detaches itself from the current state road 51 at the crossroads with the 51 bis state road south-east of the town of Tai di Cadore, and ends in correspondence with the crossroads for Nebbiù. The main work of art is a new gallery, about 1,000 meters long; Vives will also be carried out, the remodeling of the existing cycle path (in accordance with the municipal administration) and the arrangement of the interfered hydrographic reticulum. The operations of realization of the entrances were completed, and overall over 500 meters equal to 61% of the total excavation of the natural tunnel, both east and west were excavated.
Valle di Valle di Cadore variant
It will allow to bypass with a gallery of about 600 meters a particularly critical stretch of the crossing of the town of Valle di Cadore, now regulated by traffic lights due to the restricted section and proximity to the roadway of bound buildings. The excavation of the gallery continues at a tight pace starting from the west entrance, which reached progressive 218 me from the East entrance, where the 135 meters of progress were exceeded, equal to 60% of the entire excavation, while the archaeological excavation activities of important finds found during the works were completed.
Variant of San Vito di Cadore
The route includes a total route of about 2.3 km almost all “halfway up” in the boite valley. The main axis develops through two junction roundabouts, 4 artificial masking and anti -pitch galleries, a new viaduct on the RU century and numerous interventions on secondary roads. The project also provides for the realization of numerous support works and the resolution of the interferences present with interventions on the existing undergroundvices, including the execution of new aqueduct-refiperous works and the movements of the gas, electric, telephone and TLC networks. The works also include the construction of detected for about 230,000 cubic meters.
The opening of the entire track on the Campaign Plan has been completed, and the support works are being completed which will allow the lowering of the work surface to the definitive fee of the new road axis. The launch of the bridge over the “RU century” was also completed. All four galleries are being executed, and two of them almost completed. The shoulders and pile of the “Senes” viaduct are being completed, whose structural parts are already present in the pipeline and almost complete the substitutives of the “senes” overpass are complete with the functional to the secondary roads of the same name, so that it can be restored in the expected times the normal transitability towards Serdes. Finally, the underpass was completed which will give continuity to the existent cycle and pedestrian path that connects the center of San Vito di Cadore to Lake Mosigo.
The painting of the Milan Olympics – Cortina 2026
The Winter Olympics will begin on February 6, 2026 and will end on February 22, 2026, while the appointment with the Paralympics is for March 6, 2026, with conclusion on March 15, 2026. For these events, accessibility to the places where the races will take place, represents an essential element to guarantee their sustainability. As foreseen in the various Olympics decrees, Anas is a subject of various interventions in Veneto and Lombardy.
In addition, Anas provides support for Simico, Milan Infrastructure Company Cortina 2026, on the basis of an agreement stipulated for the design up to the contract of the ten simic interventions on Anas roads. The agreement provides for the possibility that Anas continues with the execution of the works once the works by Simico as a central of client was contracted.