Mikael Tornving’s honest words about the recording with Gunde Svan

Mikael Tornvings honest words about the recording with Gunde Svan

On September 2, 2024, it was finally time for the third season of “Kompani Svan” to premiere on the streaming service Max and Kanal 5. The acclaimed competition program involves a number of Swedish celebrities being pushed to the limit at a military-inspired boot camp, under of Gunde Swan and Mikael Thornwing.

DON’T MISS: Therefore, Mikael Tornving does not live with his girlfriend

Kompani Svan season 3 – all participants

In season two it was Dante Zia and Josefine Öqvist who won the tough competition, and this year there are ten new celebrities fighting for the prize. In season three of “Kompani Svan” we see the following participants:

  • Julia Franzén

  • Kenneth Andersson

  • Ann Wilson

  • Özz Nûjen

  • Jens Byggmark

  • Elin Härkönen

  • Fredrik Hallgren

  • Alexandra Zazzi

  • Renaida Braun

  • Sebastian Tadros

  • Mikael Tornving on Gunde Svan: “It’s the most difficult”

    The former skier Gunde Svan goes by the designation “major Svan” in the episodes, while the actor Mikael Tornving is called “captain Tornving”. In the show, they drill the celebrities in a series of military exercises, and they also enlist the help of military experts to push the contestants even further.

    READ MORE: Gunde Svan’s military background – is he really a major?

    Gunde Svan and son Ferry Svan. Photo: Jessica Gow/TT

    For News24 tells Mikael Tornving about what it’s like to work with Gunde Svan, and also reveals what the former skier eats for breakfast…

    Who is the toughest on the participants, you and Gunde?

    – Me when it comes to discipline and things like that, but Gunde when it comes to the physical requirements I think.

    What is the best thing about working with Gunde?

    – You know he knows what needs to be done and he does everything properly. It is very safe to work with Gunde. It’s not carelessness.

    What is the most difficult thing about working with Gunde?

    – When I’m sitting eating breakfast when he comes in freshly showered after roller-skiing four miles at 07:00 in the morning. And not to feel like a hopeless, lazy and fat old man. That is the most difficult.

    Does he eat as much porridge as you might think?

    – Answer yes. I do too, but Gunde really eats oatmeal, three sandwiches I think and then tea on top of that.


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