Mika Aaltola does not consider it likely that China would send weapons to Russia

Mika Aaltola does not consider it likely that China would

The US intelligence service said over the weekend that China is considering providing arms assistance to Russia. According to Aaltola, the service’s previous information has held up well.

Director of the Foreign Policy Institute Mika Aaltola does not currently consider it likely that China would send arms aid to Russia.

– That is one option that China has thrown into play. It wants to signal that the West has certain limits in relation to Russia.

Director of the CIA, the US Central Intelligence Agency Bill Burns told CBS News over the weekend in an interview (you move to another service), that China is considering supplying weapons to Russia. However, China has not made a final decision on deliveries and no weapons have been delivered so far, says Burns.

According to Burns, the United States is sharing its information publicly because it wants to prevent China from making a decision about supplying weapons.

Aaltola considers US intelligence information to be reliable. The service’s information about, for example, the Russian attack a year ago was 100% correct.

According to Aaltola, the United States now wants to show China a red light and tell them that exporting weapons would have consequences.

– Eastern tiger China is in a hesitant situation. It knows that what happens in Ukraine has consequences for the future of Asia and China.

While in the West they are thinking that Ukraine must not be allowed to lose, in China they are thinking that Russia must not be allowed to lose, says Aaltola. Because of this, China may be willing to side with the aggressor, even if it is against international law.

On the other hand, China is tempted to stay in the international economic system and avoid possible US sanctions. The rise of China internationally has been based on the fact that other countries have moved their production to China.

According to Aaltola, China also has ambitions towards its neighboring regions.

– US intelligence has also leaked that China is preparing to take over Taiwan by 2027. One war may fuel other wars, as has often happened in world history.

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