Miia Sillman, number seven, ends her career: “The past year has been extremely difficult” | Sport

Miia Sillman number seven ends her career The past year

Miia Sillman is sixth in Finland’s all-time statistics. Career ends due to health problems.

One of the top Finnish names in heptathlon in recent years Miia Sillman end his career. The athlete representing Tampere Pyrintö at the club level tells about his decision on his Instagram account.

Sillman justifies his decision with health problems. Challenges have been caused by a sore back. He decided in the spring that 2023 would be his last as a top athlete.

This season, Sillman was unable to compete at all.

– The situation of my back has worsened even more, and it cannot withstand the demands of elite sports. The whole past year has been extremely difficult and included a lot of thinking about life, health and the future, says Sillman.

The 28-year-old player is sixth in Finland’s all-time 7-match statistics with 6,209 points. He reached his record points in 2019 when he won the Universiade for students in Italy.

In the Kaleva Games, he has won two golds, two silvers and one bronze. He never once competed in the adult competition.
